Announcement : 

REMINDER:  Meet the team evening this Wednesday 12th February 2025, 5.00pm – 6.00pm.  

School Policies

Our school policies are live on our website. The board has adopted SchoolDocs as an effective way to review our school policies and procedures within the cycle of self review.  Parents can also review polices and you will be notified of any which are coming up for review. To do this you can follow the simple instructions.

Term 2, 2024 current policies open for review:

  • Employer Responsibility Policy
  • Appointment Procedure
  • Equal Employment Opportunities
  • Teacher Relief Cover
  • Safety Checking
  • Police Vetting
  • Classroom Release Time / Timetable

To review:

  1. Visit the website
  2. Enter the username (birkdaleprimary) and password (thehighest).
  3. Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
  4. Read the policy.
  5. Click the Start your review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Select the reviewer type.
  7. Enter your name (optional).
  8. Follow the prompts to show that you’ve read the topic and enter your feedback if you’d like to comment.
  9. Agree to the privacy statement and click “Submit review”.
  10. If you don’t have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.


Physical Restraint @ Birkdale Primary School

1. Guidelines issued by the Secretary

2. All non-teaching staff members have been authorised to use physical restraint as a last resort. This is because all adults participate in activities that involve the safety of students e.g. duties, first aid etc.

3. You can find our Physical restraint and Reducing Distress policies on our School Doc website (login details above).