Announcement : 

Term 2 : 29th April 2024 – 5th July 2024


Board members and responsibilities

The Board of Trustees are elected from within the school’s community, both parents and caregivers, and the school staff. The principal is always a member of the Board and is the Board’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

The Board has the responsibility of setting the school’s direction and goals for educational outcomes and other areas . It does this through developing a Charter and Strategic Plans in conjunction with the principal and staff. Once the Board has developed a draft form it consults with, and seeks feedback from, the school community.

In developing the Charter and Strategic Plans the Board takes into account:

  • important local educational needs
  • directions it wants the school to take
  • the National Educational Goals (NEGs) that have been set down by government
  • the National Administration Guidelines (NAGs) that have been set down by government


Board meetings

The Board meets during the year to conduct its business. These meetings are open to all members of the school community. 

Should the Board need to change any meeting dates the school community will be notified through the school newsletter.

2024 Board Meeting dates

Below are the dates for BOT meetings in 2024.   Please note these are subject to change.

26th February 2024

25th March 2024

20th May 2024

24th June 2024

12th August 2024

23th September 2024

11th November 2024

9th December 2024

Birkdale Primary School Board of Trustees 2024


Jo Barr

Presiding Member

Kyla Hansell

Parent Representative

Nick Roud

Parent Representative

Edward Rooney

Parent Representative

Laurie O’Connor

Staff Representative

Natasha Teinakore


Kelsey Benefield

Parent Representative