Announcement : 

Term 2 : 29th April 2024 – 5th July 2024

Dates to remember…

Term 1:
5th April (Wed) – ANZAC Memorial Assembly @ 9:30-10:30am. Whānau are welcome to attend.
6th April (Thu) – Term 1 Ends

Term 2:
24th April (Mon) – Teacher Only Day, school closed. (One of 2 this year)
25th April (Tue) – ANZAC Day
26th April (Wed) – Term 2 Starts for students
9th May (Tue) – Te Puāwaitanga Whānau hui
15-19th May – Optional: Learner hui (make a time if you haven’t seen your child’s teacher this year).
29th May – 2 Jun – Samoan Language Week
31st May (Wed) – School Cross Country | Colour Fun Run
29th June (Thu) – Matariki Evening