Announcement : 

REMINDER:  School starts back on the 5th February 2025.  We look forward to seeing everyone then.

Term 4 – Week 5: Newsletter

  THURSDAY 9th November 

Kia ora e te whānau o Birkdale,

Term 4 is tracking along with enthusiasm. Our Year 5 and 6s in Ngā Māhuri enjoyed a week at camp. Thank you so much to our parent volunteers who make trips like this possible. All the children enjoyed the challenge of being away from whānau and spending time with friends.

A reminder that our Year 6 leavers assembly will be held on the last day of school. More details to come. 

Monday is a Teacher only day – it’s for teachers to familiarise themselves with the refreshed curriculum in time for the start of next year. We’re still unsure what a change in governement might look like for education.. National did speak about increased standardised testing and possible curriculum changes. Time will tell – whatever happens, we know that we will continue to make decisions that will be in the best interests for learners at Birkdale.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Whaea Natasha 


Our BIrkdale Family Picnic has been postponed 2 weeks later to allow a little more time to organise.

It will now be on Friday in Week 8 – the 1st of December.

It will be a low-key relaxing way to end the year together. We will have a little food selling but bring your own picnic and something to  sit on. 

There will some activities which will take gold coins but the main purpose of the day will be to spend time as a school family before we break for the holidays.


Policy review:

A reminder that any of our school community can participate in any of the policy reviews happening each term. Just go to our Birkdale Primary policy website and log on.

Click here to find our our latest school policies being reviewed.

Physical Restraint

We now have a new revised policy for physical restraint and for reducing student distress. To read these revised policies visit our school page on school docs. These policies are aligned with the new Ministry of Education guidelines.



School Donation Scheme

Birkdale Primary opts in to the School Donation Scheme. This means that we don’t ask for school donations or ask for payments for school trips, and only ask for contributions toward overnight school activities.

Health Curriculum Statement

Thanks to those that gave us feedback toward what you felt was important to cover in our Health curriculum. Every 2 years, we are required to seek feedback from our community and communicate, broadly, what we will cover in our Health curriculum. You can read our Health curriculum statement here on our school website.

Last term, we ran a series of hui to give our learning community an opportunity to provide feedback to help inform our new 2024/25 strategic plan. We collated all the feedback and combined it with the priorities we’ve identified as a school.

Here you will find our draft strategic plan. This is the broader strategic overview that will guide each more detailed annual plan.

From Birkdale Intermediate …

Tēnā koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whānau, 

My name is Joel King and I am the Principal / Tumuaki of Birkdale Intermediate School. Since I started this year in Term 3 I have been working hard to lead positive change in the school and build new relationships across the community. 

I am very passionate about Intermediate school education and ensuring our students are prepared and best supported to move from primary, into intermediate and on to secondary school. 

A key part of ensuring Birkdale Intermediate School meets the needs of our students, their whānau and the wider community, we are actively seeking the voices of our contributing school’s parents and whānau. To achieve this we would greatly appreciate it if you could click on the link below and complete the short survey. 

Birkdale Intermediate Contributing Schools Survey

Your comments will remain fully anonymous and will be collated and used to guide us in understanding what is important to you when making decisions around your child’s education.

We understand that for some of you the decision for intermediate schooling may already be made, which we respect. However, we would still value your feedback. The purpose of this survey is to focus on how we can best meet the needs of our community and strengthen the local learning pathway.  

I am committed to making our school the best place for our learners and community. If you have any feedback or suggestions of how we can improve, I would love to hear from you. 



Week 6

13 Nov – Teacher Only Day

17 Nov – Ngā Kākano MOTAT trip

Week 7

22 Nov – House Assembly wear house colours

23 Nov – Interschool Athletics

Week 8

23 Nov – Saver day for Interschool Athletics

1 Dec – Birkdale Family Picnic @ 5:30pm


Week 9 

4 Dec – BOT Meeting

Week 10

14 Dec – End of year prizegiving 2023

14 Dec – Y6 Graduation Celebration @ 4-6pm

Week 11

18 Dec – Moving up/ transition block

20 Dec – Y6 leavers assembly – reports home

End of Term 4 – 1pm finish


Strike a Chord Music Studio

Limited Vacancies available for the rest of TERM 4, book in now to reserve your space. Lessons are during school.

Guitar, Keyboard, Piano & Ukulele

Please contact Cherie for more details via email or ph (021) 1129515

or visit our website for enrolment

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Cnr Birkdale & Salisbury Rds Auckland 0626